Monday, October 27, 2008

I installed Ubuntu 8.10 over the weekend. Everything seems to be working now, which is great, because the wireless didn't work under 8.04. The only remaining thing I have to work out on it is getting the desktop cube to work with my antiquated hardware.

My impressions of Ubuntu are fairly good. I like the GUI and I like how many useful apps that are freely available, but the one thing that I hate, and I mean hate, is compiling modules and apps. Seriously! Anytime I can use the package handler or get a .deb of the app, I'm fine, but using make and trying to get makefiles and whatnot is a hassle that I think keeps people away from linux in general.

I still don't think it is ready for mass usage. I would consider myself pretty tech savvy, but even getting some simple stuff, like DVD playback, working can be a hassle. Average users are not going to have the patience.

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